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Vivid weathers + Gas masks of the wasteland radstorms only


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Hey guys,


Im wondering if anyone can help me sort out a compatibility issue with vivid weathers and gas masks of the wasteland.


Gas masks of the wasteland is setup to only irradiate during rad storms. Currently i get warned when an appropriate weather system is starting and the irradiation effect works (making my screen extremely blurry) and is resolved by wearing a supported gas mask.


Vivid weathers has multiple different radstorm types:


Radstorm Green - Works as expected. prompted with a warning, effect in place

Radstorm Blue - Works as expected. prompted with a warning, effect in place

Radstorm Red - Works as expected. prompted with a warning, effect in place


Radstorm Green Rain - Does not work. no prompt at the beginning of the weather system, no visual effect (still include the vanilla 2-4 rads/s)

Radstorm Blue Rain - Does not work. no prompt at the beginning of the weather system, no visual effect (still include the vanilla 2-4 rads/s)

Radstorm Red Rain - Does not work. no prompt at the beginning of the weather system, no visual effect (still include the vanilla 2-4 rads/s)


Radstorm Green Snow - Works as expected. prompted with a warning, effect in place

Radstorm Blue Snow - Works as expected. prompted with a warning, effect in place

Radstorm Red Snow - Works as expected. prompted with a warning, effect in place


The mod author of Gas masks of the wasteland mentions in his descriptions:

"Weather mods should be compatible but if you would like it to be consistent, open a weather in the Creation Kit go to the Precipitation and change the Weather Classification flag to an appropriate setting (snow is rad storms)."


So it seems like the rain weather does not have the necessary "snow" classification to initiate the irradiation effect.


I tried editing this via fo4edit but so far i have not had any luck:


The stock green rad storm: snow flag is there



The stock green rain rad storm: snow flag is not there



The issue and resolution seems obvious but i have not had any luck fixing it.


I have tried:

Adding the snow flag and leaving the rainy flag in place

Adding the snow flag and removing the rainy flag


Ive never edited this game before. I've only ever added mods and I've never used fo4edit. Im wondering if there is a step or process i am missing because none of the changes i tried have done anything.


I put fo4edit into my game folder and it seems to automatically detect the various mods i have and then i just open vivid weathers.


Possibly i need to purge a cache folder or edit the mod before installing it into my game? im using nmm for all mod handling.


If you can lend any advice i'd appreciate it. Its really annoying that rad and rad snow work but rad rain does not.



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