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Underworld Armor - in time for Dawnguard


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Is there any work in the mix of adding the famous Underworld armor seen in Oblivion to Skyrim?


I really, really want this armor as both a replacement for the more Powerful Vampires and also as standard issue for the Vampire clan in Dawnguard so that it mimic's the Underworld: rise of the Lycans


This thread if you do a bit of reading already has shown the author of the underworld armor for Oblivion has given permission to carry out any port of the Sonya and Death eater? armors




Oblivion version:




I think the armor is still pretty well made, even by Skyrim standards of meshes but the texture could do with some refining and so forth.


I'd class it as light armor due to its small frame but perhaps some debating on here my be something.

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