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Lydia teleport item


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Heyah in fallout 3 there's a companion mod called jessicompanion and it has a very useful item that would teleport jessi to you.


I'd like to be so bold as to ask if anyone would be able to create an item with the same script but for lydia instead.

the teleport script for jessi looks like this:



scn JessiTeleporterSCRIPT


;Port Jessi to player on Equip

begin OnEquip

set JessiREF.JessiHome to 0

set JessiREF.Waiting to 0

JessiREF.moveto player




now I basically know nothing of scripting but I'll try to help in any way I can. a tool like this would be very useful for us who are heavily dependant on lydia.


pretty please with sugar on top



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well it's nice to know I'm not the only one who wants a mod like this :P.


after a little searching I found this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14933

called simple teleport magic and it has the feature I want. though a little annoying it does the trick. I'm gona see if I can't copy the script onto your mod since your mod is a little simpler to use.


I've failed to find the script. I hate scripting. please halp :(

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