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[LE] Setting MessageBox Text Dynamically


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I am working on a mod that involves letting players learn vanilla Skyrim and Apocalypse spells via a series of Menu Boxes and paying with an alternate earned currency. To this l'm using UI Extensions' List menu to down a series of list options. The spell data is then pulled in via arrays storing the necessary info (Spell[], Stirings[], etc)

  • the spell school
  • Spell level (novice, apprentice, adept, expert and master with the required ritual quest completed of course)
  • List of spells themselves within that category set.


The limitation I'm running into here is a means to display the spell description. Closest possible solution I can find is utilizing the vanilla MessageBox.Show functionality to display the spells description and present them with option of whether they'd like to purchase it or not via a couple buttons at the bottom. However it doesn't appear to be a means of changing the Creation Kit Message Form "Message Box Text" via script, you can really only change pieces of it that are Floats/Integers that are preset.


Similarly you can easily present a custom string from a script via Debug.MessageBox but you can't do so while presenting a couple of other buttons to the player to choose from.


Does anyone know of another way to accomplish this? I'd rather not define 200+ individual message boxes with set text in the creation kit as that would be very excessive...


Thanks in advance...

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If you don't mind using SKSE, here's a method that worked for me:

- Create a new object. It can be any object (e.g. a container) just needs to have a display name.
- Create a new empty cell, and place an instance of the object in that cell.
- Create a new quest and a reference alias that is pointing to the object in the cell
- Create your message using the tag <Alias=AliasName> for Text Replacement. Make sure 'Owner quest' is set to your quest.
- In your script, change the name of your object's base form with the SetName function as needed.

- Display the message with MyMessage.Show() function.


I think that's it. It may look complicated at first, but it's pretty straightforward.

You can have multiple objects/aliases to make the message even more dynamic.



I forgot to mention that the 'stores text' option needs to be checked on the alias (also see first link)

Edited by Ghaunadaur
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