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100% condition for all items in game


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Can somebody please create or provide me a link to a mod which makes all armors and weapons have 100% condition?

I mean all, so enemies wear armors with 100% condition and use weapons with 100% condition?


Or maybe mod that makes it so with less condition, damage of a weapon and damage resistance of an armor doesn't degrade?


Please i would be very grateful if somebody would provide me with a link or create such a mod.

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This weapon and armor degradation is really annoying, because I bought armor of a man with 100% condition and I repaired a laser pistol to about 75% and I killed brotherhood of steel guy with no problem because his power armor was so degraded that it had only 10 dmg resistance and his laser rifle had only 8 dmg. I hate stuff like that I can walk around with a 10mm pistol with no armor and kill the toughest guys in the game...
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