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dunBluePalaceArenaSCRIPT errors *FIXED*


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Here's a bugfix for the "dunBluePalaceArenaSCRIPT.pex" script that spams the Papyrus log with many many errors once the "Mind of Madness" quest has been completed.

I've added some code to kill the update loop once the player has left the cell and the cell unloads/detaches.

Please let me know if there are any issues.







Note: if you haven't started this quest you shouldn't yet see any "dunBluePalaceArenaSCRIPT.pex" errors in your logs. In this case, the fix below will prevent the bug from ever happening:


1) copy the file "dunBluePalaceArenaSCRIPT.pex" to your Skyrim "DATA\SCRIPTS" folder, overwriting any existing script.

2) copy the file "dunBluePalaceArenaSCRIPT.psc" to your Skyrim "DATA\SCRIPTS\SOURCE" folder, overwriting any existing script.




1) copy the file "dunBluePalaceArenaSCRIPT.pex" to your Skyrim "DATA\SCRIPTS" folder, overwriting any existing script.

2) copy the file "dunBluePalaceArenaSCRIPT.psc" to your Skyrim "DATA\SCRIPTS\SOURCE" folder, overwriting any existing script.

3) start the game, enter the console and type "COW BluePalaceWingWorld -1 1" to fast travel to the cell that contains the faulty activator.

4) explore the empty arena for a couple of minutes.

5) enter the console and type "COW BluePalaceWingWorld 0 0". Explore this area for a couple of minutes (as this quest is finished, the NPCs will be mostly unresponsive).

6) enter the console and type "COW Tamriel 0 0" to leave the area, then save your game.

7) quit the game then start the game again and load your new savegame.

8 ) check your papyrus logs, the "dunBluePalaceArenaSCRIPT.pex" errors should be gone.


EDIT: You can find my other fix for the "FXDustDropRandomSCRIPT.pex" errors here.


EDIT2: If you ever reinstall the CK or update it, you will need to recopy my fixed scripts into your scripts folders.

dunBluePalaceArenaSCRIPT.pex dunBluePalaceArenaSCRIPT.psc

Edited by steve40
I re-added the fixed scripts which were deleted when the forum was upgraded.
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You know what's great? Skyrim without the crashes every fifteen minutes. Thank you, both for this and the FXDustDropRandomSCRIPT.pex fix. You've saved my computer from a three-story plummet. Edited by cfftble
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I still have those errore, and my papyrus log says :

"DATA\SCRIPTS\dunBluePalaceArenaSCRIPT.pex : fatal: Version number is too new. Expected 3.1 or lower, found 3.2"

same message for the fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.pex


is there anything to fix this?



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  • 5 weeks later...

So I tried this..

I already did the quest a while back but i thought i'd look into the CTDs. Especially today they've been frequent.

I followed your steps twice. ran around th ewhole aarea and even let the game run for an hour in the specified regions. Sadly that didn't stop the script from running every ~ 15 seconds after saving and restarting the game.


I don't suppose there's a console command to reload a script or something?

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