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Fallout among the stars


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I am honestly surprised this I haven't found a mod like this yet. There is clearly mod bait found all around Fallout 4 especially when it comes to the Nuka World expansion Vault-Tec Among the Stars exhibit.


However, maybe I am getting ahead of myself. I have been thinking about the Vault 111 cryostasis experiment as well as the Vault-Tec among the Stars exhibit and the aliens found throughout the franchise. Quite frankly I think it might make a cool mod, and rather lore friendly, about going to different planets. My proposal is this:


After collecting all the star cores you can unlock a room in the Vault-Tec Among the Stars exhibit. Say one of those fake doors has a fake wall that leads a control room that begins the quest. In the control room you can find Zetan technology fused with Fallout human technology particularly a computer and a dis-activated portal. On the computer can have a few logs detailing the lore of the space travel program. That Vault 111 cryostasis experiment was to lay the ground work for the cryostasis pods for the for slower than light travel ship. Furthermore, the computer would the stasis on the different ships that were launched with a mixture of failed exhibition with a few successful landing. The computer could then tune the portal to that specific ship allowing the player to instantly be teleported to that planet.


Upon arrival to any given planets the player would have access to a least one settlement to build up the colony on that planet. Both friends and foes can be explored at that point. Some planets might be covered in radioactivity. Other planets might be have mutated alternatives of what could be found on Earth. One planet might have a thriving colony. Another might all original crew still in their crystasis. Perhaps the portal only gives you access to one or two planets at first but as you explore those planets you get coordinates or/and power cells to get access to other planets. Maybe the portal will lead to a Zetan colony instead of a human one. Whatever the case may be there would likely be experiments done on the crew of these ships just as there were done the vaults.


Nevertheless, if there is a mod like this that already exists can someone point me to it. Or if there a modder who want to make can they let me know. I wouldn't mind writing up some of the log entries and stuff for it. But yeah that's what I've got.

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Seems to be accurate so far. Some of the items mentioned also fit with what Todd Howard mentioned, for example new animation tech could very likely be things like IK for landing gear, and the trailer did indeed show what seems to be a human warping to another galaxy.

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Seems to be accurate so far. Some of the items mentioned also fit with what Todd Howard mentioned, for example new animation tech could very likely be things like IK for landing gear, and the trailer did indeed show what seems to be a human warping to another galaxy.

Interesting, unofficial leaks or not. That was still interesting.

I still would mind a mod for Fallout 4 to what I have described. It might be interesting to see how it compares to Starfield when it does come out. Besides its not there aren't mod that simulate other games that Bethestsa has released. I'm looking at you Fallout 76 and the mod that make Virginia exploitable for Fallout 4.

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