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First Person Camera looks.... "Shattered"...


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I left my game up (Alt- Tab'd) for what I thought would only be like 15 minutes. Turned out I was gone for 230 minutes...


When I came back and Alt-Tab'd again, the game still up, the first person camera was suddenly "Shattered".




As you can see, HUD is fine. Menus are fine. Everything is fine except for the actual ingame perception.

Third person is perfectly fine and I can see normally in third person. Its just first person. I googled the problem and couldn't find anything about it or even mentioning it. Anyone know whats up? I'm afraid to quit the game right now less perhaps this becomes a lasting problem or something...

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Strange, looks GPU-related though. Do you OC your card?


At any rate, I suggest creating a new save, exiting the game, maybe restarting your PC. I don't think it would be corrupting your save but that's why you'd make a new one just in case. Try monitoring your temps if it happens again.

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