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Want to make an area VERY dark.


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Hi all.


I am working on a mod where I need to make one area (a hallway) very dark for one short part of a story. Rather than make the entire cell very dark and then lighting up everything else, is there a way to set the cell lighting to what I want in most of it and reduce the light in one area? Like a reverse light source. A dark source?


Alternatively, I could mod this one area as a new cell and make that very dark, using a script to move from the light one to the dark one and then back. I just thought of that as I typed. That would work, I guess.


It is only about 5 minutes of play time, almost a cut scene where the player will find one or two objects. The more I type, the better that idea seems.


I think I'll go with the alternate area solution, fits other things I would want to do.


So. Just for my info, in case it is needed elsewhere. Is there a way to REDUCE light in one area of a cell?


Thanks in advance.

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