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Help needed: Quest problems.

Guest Messenjah

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Guest Messenjah

Ok, I have been working on some quests and I'm having a few troubles. I have dialogue and quest stages in the same quest. Basically, you talk to an NPC about some odd jobs and he gives you a quest to get him some Black-Briar mead before he will talk to you. Very simple quest. So, I don't really want this quest sitting in the background. The problem that I'm finding is that the dialogue doesn't seem to work properly unless it start game enabled is checked.


Does start game enabled need to be checked?


What else could cause this dialogue not to show up? Note: Sometimes the second part of the conversation shows up allowing you to complete the quest but the part of the dialogue where he gives you the quest doesn't.


Here are the stages:


0 Nothing. Quest doesn't start.

10 Start quest

100 complete quest.



The condition for the dialogue to start is this: GetStage myQuestName <= 0 (I've also tried ==0 with no results but it works in another quest I wrote that has start game enabled)


On another quest I have another problem. I set up two quests that apply to all the dialogue for two different npcs and only dialogue. No quest stages or events take place here. I created a 3rd quest which is the actual quest. I added the dialogue for both characters that apply to this quests under the same dialogue view. The quest initiates when the player activates a ledger activator and finds some dirt on an npc. The player then walks to the npc and asks them some related questions. The Activator does nothing more than sets the stage to 10 and displays the objective. When I click on the ledger, it works fine and the quest updates to stage 10. Then I try to talk to the npc. The condition for the topic is GetStage myQuestName == 10. That is the only condition but the topic doesn't show up? Even though the correct objective displays correctly, the quest menu displays the correct objective information and everything looks fine. The script for the ledger and all other scripts compile just fine.... what gives?

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