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High Res Skin Texture Mod- Looks Terrible?


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I'm having a bit of an issue. Not really sure where to begin as I'm completely puzzled as to why this is happening. I have always used Bella's Better Females, Coverwomen or others with no issues. Matter of fact, I've often mixed and matched the tint masks or specular maps to get a more "custom" look for my characters. It wasn't until the past couple of days where I noticed large black areas of pixelated dirt on my characters face. Screen shot attached for reference (had to resize for upload, hope you can see it). I don't have any dirt on my character or any dirt related mods. Nothing. I notice it most during the day- during bright sunny mornings/afternoons. It looks *awful*. It's not so bad with ambient lighting at night or fire light. I've tried playing with my ENB settings to no avail- thought that might be it. I've toggled it off completely and it looks just as bad, tbh. I'm thinking maybe it has something to do with the specular maps...? but as I'm not a skin texturer, I can't be certain.




I upgraded my video card to a gtx560 and my monitor to a 24"- that's when I noticed the changes. Maybe my settings are off...? I'm sort of a noob in the area of optimum game settings but.... I looked up the nvidia recommended settings for Skyrim online and this is what I get. If anyone has *any* idea what could be causing this or has any sort of solution, I'd be so grateful. I'm decent with gimp/photoshop- kind of a noob to Nifskope yet but I have a very basic understanding. If there is a way to fix it with these tools, I would love to try. I just don't even know where to begin, so I'm asking here. :)


BTW- as an aside, I'm not having this issue with the body texture. UNP high res body looks as perfect as ever. This applies only to the face textures- I've tested it with 4-5 different ones. Some look worse than others but they all suffer from this "dirty face" issue.

Edited by lsinsocal
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