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Hair shown with helmets


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I'm sure plenty of people want this. I know that Vanilla hairs get a different texture when the person puts a helmet on but modded hairs make you go completely bald. Helmets that don't fully cover your head, you can see the baldness. Such helmets like Iron Helmet or Imperial. Then you have the full head helmets like Daedric, Steel Plate, Ebony, and Dragon. These essentially take all you hair away. Now I know that you can keep all your hair in the helmet, but when you have hair that flows to shoulder length or farther your hair shouldn't get all shoved in the helmet. Anyways, I request a mod that actually shows your hair when you use a helmet, particularly modded hair. I've seen ways of making your hair clip out of your helmet but that's no fun for obvious reasons. I've been playing a female character lately and I don't use helmets at all because I actually want to see my character's face and hair. I would be fine with a partially covering helmet but then my character's hair goes away and it's just ugly. I use Circlets enchanted just so I can see my character's face and hair. I can get the same enchantment benefits but no armor. So if there was a way to make hair show with helmets, at least the helmets that don't fully cover face, it would be great if someone made a mod like that. Perhaps with full-face helmets a way to show hair would be maybe put a whole somewhere for a ponytail or something to stick out. Maybe that wouldn't look good, I don't know. So if someone could at least have hair(particularly modded hairs, ApachiiSkyHair primarily) show in partially covering helmets.


There could be whole new helmets made for showing hair and face. Maybe remodeling of helmets like there are so many armor remodels out there. At least for female characters. Maybe make armored circlets? You have all these armor mods that allow you to show off your character's body, but their head must either be removed of hair or completely covered to offer protection. I personally don't mind just sticking to Circlets, but would like to have more armor protection. Would definitely be nice :)

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