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Lydia quit fighting!!!


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@pyrite05, whenever my party is in any large dwarven ruin with a lot of zones like

Alftand, Avanchnzel, Blackreach, Irkngthand, Mzinchaleft, Mzulft or Nchuand-Zel,

i usually keep an eye on my lovely loyal follower Lydia and any other followers in the party.


i think these ruins push the game engine hard enough that follower AI aggression behavior scripting doesn't

engage properly (followers just stand there) and/or complicated navmeshes get a bit buggy sometimes (not often but sometimes).

There also may be certain locations in these ruins that cause follower problems.


When these follower issues happen in large dwarven ruins, I've mostly noticed them getting stuck in a location; or,

unable to navigate the navmesh to participate in active combat.

Again, this very rarely happens, when it does and reloading a previous save does not fix the issue,

i'll resort to using console command:

PRID <Ref ID> <enter>

moveto player <enter>

This usually helps them safely follow me again once they're relocated; but, doesn't necessarily fix their behavior immediately.

I just keep moving..


Anyway, my followers return to normal eventually after i've transitioned to a new zone or exited the ruin.

Is this only happening to your Lydia in the Alftand Animonculory or elsewhere in Skyrim?

If you've ever used the 'placeatme' console command on Lydia (never ever use this on a named NPC)

you might have broken her character.

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