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Tan Morthal Mastiff


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Hi everyone !

I was wondering if someon could create a Mastiff pet follower mod for Skyrim SE. Here is a picture of the Tan Morthal Mastiff https://eso.mmo-fashion.com/tan-morthal-mastiff/ . So far I have not seen any mod ( did a search at NExus and Google but no luck :sad: ) . I would love to do it myself or atleast try to learn it but unfortunately life is a bit too busy and I only have maybe 3 to 4 hours to spend on gaming.

Perhaps someone can edit https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/92926?tab=images to Skyrim SE and make it look more like Tan Morthal Mastiff ?

I would definitely aprreciate your time and effort put in it.

Edited by Isatanica
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