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Adding different clothes to NPCs in the creation kit?


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I want to add some different clothes to Jarl Balgruuf using the Creation Kit, and I thought the best method was just to create a new outfit, add the clothing items I wanted into that outfit list, then edit Balgruuf in the CK and select that outfit from the list in his inventory, however the problem I'm getting is that, when I've done this, I'll go in-game and he will be walking around in nothing but his underwear? :confused:


Can anyone walk me through, or link me to, the steps that need to be taken in changing an NPCs clothing?

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This may be a savegame memory issue. The savegame you are testing with is likely one where your character has met Jarl Balgruff before. To get a really good test of your mod, you may need to test with a character who has never met Jarl Balgruff. It might also be possible that if you wait a long time before visiting him, he will fall out of memory and have to be reloaded and the computer will have to consult his outfit information to see what he is supposed to wear. There may be tests you could perform with console codes, but it would be more reliable to go visit him with a new character.
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I've run into this problem with a few of my mods. It does seem to be something related to the save game and having already met the character. Unless you reset the NPC or start a new character, your changes won't show up in the game. This seems to happen regardless of whether you make a change to an NPC's vanilla outfit or assign them a newly created outfit. In the first case, no change will appear in game; in the second, the NPC will appear naked.


If you want the changes to show up in a game where you've already met Balgruuf, then you should be able to disable/enable him using the console. Another option, which worked for me, is to create a simple script that will run the first time the mod is installed and have the it handle the disable/enable automatically. I've found that even when using the SetOutfit function in a script, I still have to include lines to disable and enable the NPC before the outfit changes will register in the game. There may be a better way to do it, but this solution seemed to work for me.

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