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face guide for war paint?


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I'm trying to make some custom war paint for my female orc. I know how to do it, have no issues getting it to show up in game either. I've been using the female face texture dds file under the layers as a guide for placement, then deleting before making the file, and this works somewhat for humans... but as you can see from the photos, when I use the same war paint on my orc, it's distorted because of the eye shape and other dimensions of the face that differ from the human. I was wondering if there is a way to get my orc face out of the game and flattened to use as the guide or if there is some other way to go about this? Or am I just stuck doing a hit and miss thing? This is still just a WIP and I will modify the warpaint, but having a facial guide of the orc would help a lot.


http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r190/ChelleWolff/orcwarpaint.jpg http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r190/ChelleWolff/humanwarpaint.jpg

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