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Armor Replacer for Busty-Petite Warrior Preset


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Hey guys I've made a custom armor replacer for my custom Busty-petite Warrior bodyslide preset (CBBE). The Armor replacer has various armors from various mod authors hand picked and optimized for mesh clipping and body preset frame (detailed info. found on my mod page). Many of the armors are pretty skimpy and others are just mildly skimpy. Some armors have also been slightly altered to fit with this aesthetic, and some armors didn't have physics so i fixed them as well. on my mod page i highly recommend the Book of CBBE mod along with Immersive Armors CBBE mod. For Immersive Armors I'd be happy to create a physics add-on so that all those armors have physics in-game. I have also detailed a pretty concrete mod list for beautifying all NPC's in your Skyrim game with an install order as well, in case anyone doesn't know how to set it up, all on my mod page. Lastly, I also have a YouTube channel with two tutorials detailing: (1) how to install and use Bodyslide & Outfit Studio, and (2) how to install and setup physics in Skyrim SE using either HDT-SMP, CBPC or BOTH.

Check it Out:




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