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Dark Brother Hoodsanctuary Glitch


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Hi, I have been getting a glitch in the Dark Brother Hood sanctuary were some rooms don't load and nothing is their and it's also a glitch but they load up when I walk into them but also another glitch is after the mission were you have the kill Cicero whenever I try to walk into the sanctuary it crashes to the desktop, I don't know but could it be cause of some mods that I use? I have 26 mods from steam and 4 or more manual mods, also I used photo shop for my dragon scale armor, I made it black and with the Nightingale mod I used the hood from it and it makes me look like a real assassin but anyways the problem is my game crashes whenever I enter the Sanctuary, so please help, so far I haven't found any solution to it, please help. And now I ask you to help me.


This is how I look like in the game








Ummmmmm, I only posted this pics to see if any would have have had told me that the dragon scale armor that I modded with photo shop COULD BE CAUSING THE GLITCH, PLEASE HELP MEEA

Edited by Tvrgdebx
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