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Frozzen Roads

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Well Im not sure how this happend since I noticed it not so long ago but every time I see patrol of guards or travelers which were always walking on roads now just stand in one place. They fight and do all things normaly but instead traveling they just are having a breake. It kinda makes me sad since I like when travelers are walking world. Any idea what could cause this or why? Or even better how to fix it? I can live with it but it takes a lot of fun
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One possible reason for this might be that your computer can't keep up with processing requests and packages don't get started quickly enough for actors who were recently spawned. Combat AI works on a slightly higher priority than normal packages so it updates quicker.


One way to check if it's a processing issue is to get into a fight with a few bandits somewhere outside but close enough to one of the settlements. If you are not a sufficiently high level you may want to turn on godmode. Basically what you want to do is see how quickly the combat AI updates by moving to the side when an enemy is running toward you. If they run to the place where you were and stand there for a few moments before running to where you are now, instead of running directly to you, it can hint towards processing issues. Do this a couple times in different locations just to make sure it isn't a pathing issue from the terrain. Using wolves and similar fast moving mobs can also work, but can be a little harder to notice.



This processing delay can come from many different sources, including your own hardware. Your best bet is to usually reduce your processor load while playing, or reduce the number of mods which make use of extensive scripting unless you can trace it down to a single mod which is pushing things over the edge.

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Sounds logical. I did test it and my PC can keep up with them. Problem was mod or should I say 2 mods conflicting with each other. One of Whiterun bars while was made creator did remove navmesh (The critical one from road and all NPC which were using road did frezze becouse they couldnt complete their patrol. Other mod somehow did forbid me to turn the bad mod off. I dont know why but everyime I did close bad mod I had to close otherone too or game was crasching. Anyway it all works now and thanks for response
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