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Alrighty! So it turns out that I have 200 dollars to upgrade my system, which is great, quite a few options I did some pricechecking to see what I could afford and it came down to a new video card




or a new Mobo


AND http://ncix.com/products/productdetail2.ph...1&sku=27680


I honestly can't decide which is going to benefit me more; I don't much mind long load times, but I *loathe* game stutter.


Current Stats

Mobo: A8n-SLI Deluxe

Processor: AMD 6400+ (2.21Ghz, rating in at 3.7Ghz)

Video: Nvidia GeForce 8600GT - Silent

2GB of DDRam


All dropped into a Vento case, so I can cool just about anything that isn't absurd.


Professional opinions, people?


EDIT: I realized I could pick up a pair of Superclocked 9600GTs for about 100 a piece and run them through SLI; would that be better, or would I be better off just getting the 9800GT or, the board and processor?

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  • 2 weeks later...

What's your PSU?

What's the RAM specifically (make, model, timings)


Probably I would wait a little bit on an upgrade if I were you - because with the way prices are moving, you will likely be able to stretch that money out a good deal farther in a couple months.

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