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Can someone make a mod with like 999999999 damage in all the damaging catagories such as fire, ice, and poison and so on but not have it look like theyre on fire but insyead like you just hit them. And It should have unlimited charge. If it all works right the victim should be flung milions of miles an hour around the room or out of the city. I know how powerful it would be but I want it anyways. I would make it but I cant mod with my copy. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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you want a weapon that does 99999999999 Damage? and does that in all enchantments? that is going to one powerful cheat sword


very well i see if i can do it


Col John Sheppard

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i believe i have made the best i can think of your mod here you go its not a stick but the mod can be updated with a stick sword by Conan if you want to




Col John Sheppard

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Ink the weapon doesnt break the game its for people who WANT it


+ stick swords are already in game thanks to Conan


Col John Sheppard

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