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Criminal Syndicate of Skyrim


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Yes i know theres the thieves guild and the darkbrotherhood and what not, but heres what i got in mind

I'd love to see a more darker themed mod that basis's around mob-boss-like organizations and with that i mean, like....Drug trade

If anyone has played gta: chinatown wars, heres what i mean, say in each town theres someone there u would be said illegal substances in bulk for a cheap price, and u would go to another city/town/village and sell the stuff for much more than u bought it for

But to make things interesting, when u have the drugs in your possession u cannot fast travel, and horses dont like having drugs around them so cant ride them either, so you're forced to take the roads to town to town, and on your travels u would perhaps see a mob of a rival gang, or simple bandits trying to stop you with elaborate traps along the way from town to town.


As you trade more and more, u would get more respected in the mob your in to later unlock a wagon to trade more drugs in but leaves them vulnerable to get stolen when u get stopped by rivals/bandits


Of course this is just the first thoughts of the mod, theres going to be a lot more room to improve with, and loopholes and all that fun stuff. Just wanted to though it out there cos i didnt see any mod like this



Solitude sells a container of skooma for 10,000

places nearby would buy it for maybe 12,000

in places much more further away like Riften its a lot more rarer and would buy for 15k or 20k making a longer trip more dangerous but worthwhile


But ya, If any one would be able to bring this ambitious mod to life, i couldnt say thank you enough T_T

Edited by Zellkyou
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