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Trying to make a custom follower mute


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I mean entirely mute. No voice at all. So I'd still have the text options for ordering them around in Amazing Follower Tweaks or something, but they'd have no sound files assigned to them in any way, either during conversations or while just wandering around.


Unfortunately there is no NPC in the entire game who is mute, so any option I assign for my own NPC *must* be voiced. I cannot simply select 'none'.


I've googled around and found tutorials for custom voices, and mods for shutting up their incidental dialogue, but all the posts I could find for actual mute followers were unresolved.


Can anyone please help me? I've seen a bunch of posts where someone created a custom follower who was mute *by accident*, so apparently it's possible to do.


Thank you for any and all response.

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I see, thank you for your help. I'm still somewhat new to the CC, in that my infrequent screwing around with it has been limited to very specific things, so it didn't occur to me to do this. I'll give it a try.


I'm also not sure how this would work with AFT but I guess I'll find out.

Edited by ePrinn
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