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Upgrading my computer

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This is my peronal favourite: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811146080


I've never liked full towers, but this mid tower has lots of room to maneuver and a great ventilation (up to 6 fans), it comes with water-cooling support, meaning that you can just slide the radiator (there's a compartment on the top), it is really wide and there's also space to put your cables behind the motherboard, out of sight. It's very comfortable to work with, and very cheap.


Oh and most important: frontal fans come with dust filters.

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Would having a full tower make it so I would have room to upgrade for a long time? Or will there just be a lot of empty space inside of it?

A large case is easier to work with inside. Having a case just large enough means more delicate work fitting everything.

A large well ventilated case is less affected by heat from GPU.


In a very large case (Xigmatek, P280, HAF X, any XL-ATX) it's possible to install two video cards with non-reference cooling and still not turn it into an oven. It also requires an appropriate motherboard.


HAF X isn't bad, but it's not as quiet as P280 or Fractal, and not as large and expandable as Xigmatek Elysium, and it looks kind of dated. Price-wise in the middle.


If you don't plan on ever going Crossfire/SLI (two video cards), a very large case isn't needed.

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Which is why I recommend NZXT Tempes 410 Elite :)

It does look pretty nice, especially for $80. I don't think I'd ever need 8 HDs though :P So, dust filters I assume from the name help keep dust out? If the computer doesn't come with them is it possible to buy them?


EDIT: Quick search tells me that it is possible to buy them, so forget that part. And also, I'm just thinking that having a larger case for the first time I actually build a computer would be easier to work in just because I'd have more room.

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No point unless you're doing some extremely graphics intensive stuff or like seeing your electricity meter doing laps around your house. :P
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I would pay to see that! (pun intended :P)


So something like playing Skyrim with a lot of mods and with an HD texture pack and then still get a good framerate wouldn't need it, right? (probably one of the games I'd be playing most tbh)


EDIT: I put the one case tanoman recommended in my cart and removed the HAF X. I watched the video on it and it seems like it would be easier to install stuff in. Also, I don't care too much about noise because I usually have a headset on the entire time I'm on the computer (whether I'm watching Youtube, listening to music, or playing a game) and they block out noise :thumbsup:

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With a 21" monitor, you don't even need one high-end card.

Even if it's a high-res one and even if some game forces you to lower your settings or fps drops a bit, you'll never notice on a small screen.

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