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Since this place is for User News and i have some news, i thought i should share it with you. I'm off to Spain for a week with my college. Every year we send our band to play at several concerts in the north of Spain, and this year to make up the numbers they are taking Spanish A-Level students as well, which means me :D . We leave on Wednesday, and return on the Tuesday. We're staying in a youth hostel in Santander, visiting the Guggenheim

(sp?) in Bilbao and several other places.


Anyway, i just thought i should warn the Spanish members of the forums of my impending arrival. Run as far and as fast as you can! See everyone else in a week or so :D

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Have a nice time. Don't forget to pack your slippers, thermal underwear and ETA repellant. They say the natives respond well if you offer to pay with glass beads so take plenty. Herman Hesse has a few spare I believe. Should people wish to join the band a friendly suggestion that they go and play the Zambomba will of course defuse any potential aggravation.


Traxis will meet you on your return.

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Bien viaje!


May you forever evade the Spanish Inquisition, whose chief weapons are Fear, Surprise, and a nearly Fanatical Devotion to the Pope.




["I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition!" "NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!"]


:huh: Sorry....simple HAD to add that bit.

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Hey guys, thought i'd have one last blast at the forums before i go. The coach will arrive in about an hour, so i guess i've time to mess with the forum before then.


Thank you all for your... thoughtful suggestions:

Don't forget to pack your slippers, thermal underwear and ETA repellant. They say the natives respond well if you offer to pay with glass beads so take plenty. Herman Hesse has a few spare I believe. Should people wish to join the band a friendly suggestion that they go and play the Zambomba will of course defuse any potential aggravation.


I shall of course remember these things and put them all into practice. I have on my anti-catholic underwear (the ones with Homer on front ;) ), and have a healthy supply of these magic beans with which to trade.


Hasta la vista and all that; see yon homies on da flip side. As they say in the French.

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Well, as you should know I'm the Spanish guy here (along with seregmegil :)), and I'm quite surprised with all the stereotypes you've said here about Spain... Well, I can say no inquisition at all (Torquemada is already dead, you know), and no fanatical devotion to the Pope neither...


What I will do is not going out of my home for a long bit, as I live quite near the zone loveme4whoiam said he's going to come... (about 100km south of Santander), so as he said I will avoid going out too much in this week... ;)


Ah, and to cmac, it's "buen viaje", not "bon viaje"; that's sort of a mixture between French and Spanish :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Honey, i'm home...


Well, i'm back, after what was possibly the worst water crossing since, well, since never. Brittany Ferries should be damned to the deepest circle of Hell for their incompetence. Anyway, so tell me children, would you care to hear about my little expedition? No? Well, no-ones forcing you to read this, so clear off.




So, my story begins. After a pretty cool trip (if you can call an 18-hour trip with someones foot lodged about three centimetres away from your right ear cool) we arrive in Santander, which, from the looks of it, is a nice enough city. The shops are alright, and the people were... accepting, given my friends manner of disembarking our coach. You see, there is one of us who is the butt of every joke, this one being to remove his trousers and push him out the back door of the coach, into the middle of a painish street.


Our accomadation was nice, in a little youth hostel called Albereque de Cabarceno (Jesu, sereg and co, please forgive my spelling, i know its bad. Incidentally, what does Albereque mean?), which was really nice. We were about a ten minute drive from one of Europe's biggest wildlife reserves, named Cabarceno. When we visited that place, it was pretty cool. The site had been reclaimed from an old tin mine, which left behind some pretty unique rock formations. If any of you have the chance to go there, i heartily suggest you do. Get a photo of the llama that spat at my friend :lol:


We were going to visit the mountain range that we could see from the hostel, but a heavy bout of sickness put paid to that (i did not succumb ;) ). We instead went into Santander (i think <_< ) to see one of the old monarch's summer refuges, which was nice. We also visited the Guggenheim in Bilbao. Now, i'm all for the idea of each to his own, but when someone tries to tell me that two Chinese people eating and egg, kissing, then regurgitating the egg is art, it tends to get on my nerves.


The two concerts the band (not me, the band. I'm a groupie. Or is that roadie? Eh.) were excellent, despite the rock band that accompanied us (Amplified Silence, remeber the name) had some cable problems which resulted in the line "Hardcore soft porn" being screamed out through a small village :blush: . Now we come to returning to the the land of my birth. This may get rude.


Firstly, Brittany Ferries decides to make all the lorry drivers reverse onto the ferry, which takes twice as long and so we leave an hour late. I later heard that this was because the other door of the ferry is stuck; this is, the brand new ferry which had been commissioned about three weeks before. Then we are told that all the people in our group must be assleep by 23:00, despite having paid full adult price for the seats. Our group leader, being a touch pedantic in my opinion, complained blood hard about this, only to be reduced to tears by some idiot Frenchman :angry2: (no offense to those present.) This was when i started to get really pissed off, since in my book making women cry is no matter to be taken lightly. Oh, i forget to mention: since we left an hour late, the ferry's engines are being hammered to close the gap with our deadline, so on a perfectly flat sea we are jumping up and down like a bucking bronco. Almost everyone in our party was sick (again, i did not succumb. Yay.), including someone who we learned had glandular fever. This guy had been drinking like a fish for the whole week. For the people who don't know much about the condition, the first thing doctors tell you to do when you are diagnosed is to STOP DRINKING, so when we learned this we were a bit peeved.


When we finally reach Plymouth (i never thought i'd be so happy to see the Three Towers of Swilly) and docked, the icing on the cake occurred. Due to the rolling of the ship, a camper van and its car had been crumpled together in the ship's hold, so much so that both vehicles were write-offs. Insurance claim on the way there.


Erm, thats it really. If you've read the whole thing, you too, like me, have too much time on your hands. To Malchik and Kethruch, with whom i have RP'ing roles waiting, please give me a day or two to sort myself out at home before i re/enter. Hi everyone. Its good to be back.

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Albereque de Cabarceno (Jesu, sereg and co, please forgive my spelling, i know its bad. Incidentally, what does Albereque mean?)

I suppose you meant "Albergue de Cabárceno", in which case, "albergue" means just "accomodation". Albergues generally are little accomodating houses you find in the roads, almost always in rural areas (like famous landscape places, lakes, villages, etc).


Cabárceno is the best wildlife reserve here in Spain, because I don't think we can compare it with Doñana (right in the South, in Andalucía, another extraordinary wildlife reserve). I've been there many times and, curiously, I also had an incident with the llama (seems it's a bit easy to anger :D).


Hi, and welcome back to the forums ;)

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You have two days starting - then!


I got stuck on a ferry once when the doors wouldn't open. I'd taken a car on it. We'd gone for a day trip. We arrived in Calais at 9.30 and left at 4.30 and all we saw was the ship! I sympathise.

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