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Some settlement Workshop door placement points not working after combined mesh & vis processed


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When the cell is decombined, all the settlement door placement points work fine.


After processing combined meshes and visibility, the door placement points I added into new positions do not work, but the vanilla ones I copied from still work.


Am I missing something, like an extra step, variable or script that I need to add for them to work normally as the vanilla ones do? Or is there a specific method I should be using to do this?



I've been googling through the week but cannot seem to find an answer or tutorial specific to this topic yet. Thanks in advance for any assistance or info.

Edited by maddogfargo
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You need to exclude the doorframe from the precombine. Snapping nodes are part of the NIF, and during the precombine, CK will automatically combine NIFs into a "super NIF" for the previs system. This not only breaks snapping nodes, but also often breaks collision for stairs and certain statics.


Add the doorframes to a new layer, disable visibility for that layer, then regenerate your precombines and previs. This will do the precalc for the cell while excluding the objects in that layer.

Edited by Roentgens
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I figured it out.


The doors that were working were linked to the workbench reference. The broken doors were not. I linked all the broken doors to the workbench and *POOF* they are working now. Probably auto-skips linked workshop references when processing precombines.

Edited by maddogfargo
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