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HDR - Love Hate


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HDR is great, but how do I cut the glare ? It washes out all the white walls,

makes the bodies all shinny.

Many things look better with Bloom -i.e. rocks, skin textures, but HDR overall

is sooo nice. :cool:

I have reduced the brightness to where I can still see just enough in the dark

to get by (except in a raging thunderstorm), and cut the specular, but I still

reckon there too much glare.

I have tried with no success to change the settings in the ini file as well.

Are there any effects mods that deal specifically with this issue ?

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Not that I would know of... what you could try is 'Screen effects' but I'm not sure if it helps. It tends to doupble the last effect after saving and loading a game from what I know so far. (I'm using bloom + AA anyway, plus I do not save with Screen Effects running or simply disable it before ^^)


Other than that you'd have to live with it but I think HDR makes EVERYTHING too shiny, even the environment has those candy colors. Everything's too colorful for my taste.


I found a guide to tweak the HDR settings for Oblivion once but I can't remember where as I don't use it anyway.

And if you edit the ini file with no effect? Make sure that you edit BOTH files, the one in the Oblivion directory and the one in your savegame directory. Then it should work fine.

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Love HDR..No glare, maye its the Nvidia Vid card settings I use, or my display setting, or my LCD monitor itself....But no problems here with glow, glare, shinyness,or things looking candylike..

INI settings help but so does the tweaks guide to tweak your Video card even more..

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I've done all of the above to no avail...

Using a 21" Trinitron CRT in good condition.


20 min later - I just did some tweaking with nvidia control panel.

I reduced the gamma by 18% and the contrast by 12%.


EDIT: 30? min later - Whoops CORRECTION NOT %.

down from 50% to 32% gamma and 50% to 38% contrast.


Turned the brightness in the in game settings back to 50%.

Good blacks - good whites. No candy colours.

Hey !! This is goood. I like.... :biggrin:

I just wish I could profile the colour along with the AA and AF settings...

Oh well !


By the way Kuschel.

I'm using bloom + AA anyway

If you set your AA in control panel you can still use HDR. I only set AA to 2, and get a

noticeable reduction in fuzzies.

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Nah... I just don't like HDR for its glow, and I don't want to mess around with the nVidia Settings every time, to find out what works and what won't.

I think Bloom is a nice alternative and I love it's look :)

Plus I play other games that would most likely not get along with the changes I make... Although I think you *can* set up profiles for single programs/games in the nVida settings. (Well ATi could do that but I never tried it anyway ^^)

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Yes - a profile for everything but colour is possible, but it only takes a few seconds to change the colour

via the task bar icon, and even less to go back to defaults.

Having said that HDR is still a little bright, but I am looking forward to seeing how these colour settings

help with games like Dirt, Rainbow 6 Vegas, and Crysis, because Oblivion isn't the only HDR game that is too

bright :cool:

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Aerynn and BossDweebe, could you post screenshots of your results? I tried HDR and hated it for the stark white skies and other ridiculous glare. Been using bloom and AA for months. I'd like to see how you got it looking to decide whether I should try fiddling with it again.
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Aerynn and BossDweebe, could you post screenshots of your results? I tried HDR and hated it for the stark white skies and other ridiculous glare. Been using bloom and AA for months. I'd like to see how you got it looking to decide whether I should try fiddling with it again.


deleted jpg for space

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BossDweebe, Im gonna use this thread now to declare my love for you.



I downloaded nHancer last night and WOW is all I can say.


I have AA + HDR both enabled, AA at 32x (Yes, 32x)


The picture quality is unbelievable it has a massive difference from no AA, using all the tweaks like gamma correction, multi tjreading support, everything i could see in nHancer.


and guess what, it actually runs smoother than it did with no AA.


Crazy, i know, i cant explain it, but it does.


This is amazing thanks so much Dweebe for the tip, iv been waiting for this for years!!!

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