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Looking for modders with free time on their hands


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Basically, I am asking for help with the creation of my port for Skyscape to SSE. I have permission from TripleSixes to do the port, so there's no worries there.

Rekt Progress01/07/2019
Heh, I have no idea how to release a Skyrim mod at all. It seems way different than it did for Ob or Mw. But, if all goes well, I would like to release the work. Maybe someone would appreciate it. If I did, I'd rather it be released on the actual page, instead of as a third party
I don't mind either way
Perhaps we just have you do a new page and I'll update mine to point to yours

What I'm in need of:


World Editors

Cell Editors

Modelers (for conversion of premade Meshes or creating new ones altogether)

NPC Creation

Quest Creation

Voice Acting (Unless I do it all through text)

Someone to help with scripting would be great. It's a lot to do


I'm not worried about skill level here. Whether you've been doing it for years, or just started today, I'll take any help I can get. The world of Runescape seems small, until you're building it in Skyrim. I'll help any one in any way I can to get this mod moving.


If you're interested in joining me, you can PM me directly here on Nexus, or just make a reply post here.


Again, no prior experience is required. I can walk you through most of it (however, world building isn't my strong point, nor is Modeling considering my lack of 3DS Max or similar).


Just about any and all references for creation can be found at runescape.fandom.com or just hopping in the game itself.


Note - Hope I posted this in the right place

Note 2 - The original Skyscape was OSRS based, this is RS3 based. So do keep that in mind. The only thing I won't be doing (that I can think of) is weapon ability spells.

Edited by Rizalgar
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