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Bodyslide weight on long dress


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You usually want cloth physics for dresses. I'm not sure if Skyrim used the same system as Fallout 4. FO4 uses Havok Cloth Physics which isn't available for modders. We can only copy physics data from other dresses. I created a long dress myself and it's a real pain as the vanilla ones are all short and copying is a lot of trial and error.


If you don't mind the physics, try to increase the search radius when copying bone weightings. If that still doesn't work, you have to manually paint the weightings.

You may want to import the house dress from Fallout 4 and use that as a master. Then you can copy the physics data from it and only need minor adjustments depending on the length of the dress.

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I think Irma's dress might be the best for a long dress reference. The bottom is tattered which means the mesh is longer than the texture. Copy and increase the radius search or hand paint as said. try follow the weights down in vertical lines you should really only need bones as low as calves, you don't want to be getting feet bones on there,

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I used the house dress for my long dress. I had to modify the cloth physics a bit to be less stiff, but the house dress is longer than Irma's. And you better weight the lower edges to the feet or they will clip while walking.


Best is, to import the source dress you want to copy the physics from. Stretch it, so the flowing part is as long as your dress, copy bone weighting for all CLOTH_ bones and set the search radius to max. When the feet clip with the dress, paint the lower edges to them so they get pushes when walking.



Even the cut at the leg is working while walking or in certain poses. Long dresses are just a lot of work in this game.

The only thing is that the dress looks a bit knittered because the pysics was stretched.



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You need 3DSMax with the Havok tools add-on, which (AFAIK) cost money, and I'm not aware of anyone with the tools who has done proper long (i.e ankle length) dress cloth physics.


icestormng has pretty much hit the nail on the head. Long dresses, particularity those that are more "form fitting" just don't work in FO4. The cloth physics is actually "faked" in that the "cloth" doesn't actually have and collision, so clipping is insane unless you can get vertex placement (and thus bone weights) that are extremely closely matched to the body underneath. Hence why Bugthesda only have either very short dresses or ones that "balloon" out from the body so as to "hide" the clipping.


I'm having similar issues trying to get a "Jessica Rabbit" dress to work in game - It looks great when the character is stationary, but as soon as they move, it all goes to crap.


BTW, Irma's dress isn't the best to use, because it has overlapping cloth bones, so you'll sometimes unsatisfactory results using that one. The "House Dress" seems to be the best option (or as good as we'll get) Father's lab coat is pretty good for shorter "tighter" dresses, as is the bottom half of the Institute Scientist "lab coat"

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