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Restoration can be evil. Destruction can be good. Magic Redone.


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Ordinator gave me the coolest vibe on playing a Restoration mage, because it had a branch where you could get into disease magic, and reduce people's poison/disease resistance as well. I thought it would be so cool to rework the magic system to truly embrace the fact that magic dances on a razor's edge. If Restoration can lead the mage from healing to cursing- why not to necromancy? It has more of the origins of necromantic art than Destruction. And if Restoration could be worked for dark purposes, couldn't Destruction be worked for light? Epic Restoration gives me the idea that Destruction might be worked to more immersive effects than just shooting harmful spells at your opponent. Maybe you could 'kill' an opponent with the Phoenix Fire spell. But instead of killing it's body, it gets reborn from the ash as an infant?


Ok that was off the top of my head. But what if you could twist the magic schools in such a way that you end up getting far more variety in your character?

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