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Detecting Key Presses


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I'm currently working on a Werewolf Mod, and one of the things im doing is having it so that as a werewolf using the ring of Hircine, the player can opt. in an out of Beast Form at will (like a vampire lord in Dawnguard).


My plan is to given the player a power called something like Revert Form, but the problem would then be allowing the player to access both the power and the shout. My idea is to use the function IsKeyPressed to detect when either 1 or 2 has been pressed, and then set the equiped power accordingly. Does anyone know where i would have to call this function for it to work? As i am currently calling it in OnUpdate, but this is not working.

Edited by SoulLimit
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I believe there is something in SKSE on detecting keypresses. That has been a sore spot in modding Skyrim from the beginning.


Yeah, there is a function called IsKeyPressed, but I'm not sure where to put it in the werewolf quest (if it even needs to go in there) for it to use, as i have currently got in in the OnActivate event, but it does not seem to work.


**** EDIT ****


I have managed to do this now - so no need to comment further

Edited by SoulLimit
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