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a Social Experiment with Weapons (tiny scripting required)


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Hi, new member here from the UK.


So, I was sitting back watching Kill Bill for the first time in years, and I was really absorbing the cinematography behind the combat scenes. You know the bit where The Bride draws her weapon, and emotionally charged music starts playing? That's basic cinematography obiviously. But then I got to thinking that a lot of people would have seen that film, and loved the scenes and in all likeihood if they really loved the film when they saw it, then when they hear the song playing when they're out somewhere, it'll remind them of the scene, and give them what the medical professionals refer to as "good vibes".


Then I got to thinking..


How about a Katana Weapon Mod.


Player character draws the sword, and this song plays.


(using the triggers of the musical gun already in Vegas)


And then when the characters health hits 90%, the song stops.




I think it'd represent a "mad dash" of murder, for those players whose sole weapon is a Katana. And a girl.


So what the professional mod designers think about this idea? Anyone have the sand to make my weed induced musings into a reality?



Edited by OneBoredBoredKid
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