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Disease Overhaul


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So I've been looking into disease mods lately. Sounds odd to say it but they don't play a huge role in the vanilla game despite the fact most of Skyrim is hardly sanitary! I think there are 2 reasons for this: the diseases themselves are uncommon, and too easy to cure once contracted. I've only caught 6-7 diseases in my whole time playing Skyrim and I've found myself just carrying around a couple of cure potions for when I do. It doesn't make sense to me how one potion can cure everything from Vampirism to Rockjoint, and it makes the mechanic of diseases pretty pointless/boring because the solution is so immediate.


We already have several mods which add new diseases, but as far as I know nothing to make them harder to cure. My suggestion is a mod which removes the universal cure and gives each disease a specific cure with specific ingredient lists. If you catch Ataxia you will have to craft a new potion from the appropriate ingredients or buy an 'Ataxia remedy potion' from a merchant. Alchemists would stock 'Rockjoint Remedy recipies' in a similar fashion to current potion recipies - ideally this would be a rare occurance until a disease is contracted to prevent a player from just stocking up on all the potions and removing the challenge. This concept would work better with a longer list of diseases, too. I think a mod like this would be a great addition because it takes a somewhat stunted game mechanic and turns it into a challenge. It could be totally lore friendly and would have a wide appeal (although 'hardcore' players who enjoy mods such as Frostfall would likely be most interested). If it was combined with new diseases it could add some interesting quirks, too. Example - a disease which nerfs magicka by 80%; Mage characters would have to fend for themselves without magic until a cure is found which would add an aditional challenge and bring a varied gameplay experience.


I don't know anything about mod creation (yet) so I don't know if this would take 5 minutes or 5 years. I also don't know if it has already been done - I have searched high and low but knowing me I will probably have missed it. Thoughts?

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I think Beth failed on the diseases for a few reasons.


1. Werewolves get 100% resist disease, and you practically can't walk down the street in whiterun without becoming a werewolf, unless you've either sworn off the companions in your first playthrough, or it's your second or later playthrough and you know better. This means that many players don't even know there are diseases in the game in the first place.


2. The fact that they decided to take away attributes severely limits the variety of diseases you have right off the bat that are simple to understand. If you're a mage and your intelligence is damaged from a disease, the first thing on your mind is curing that disease. If the scariest thing that can happen to a mage in skyrim is that magicka regenerates 50% more slowly, you probably wont even notice, because the 3 pieces of gear that cause your spells to cost 0 magicka kind of defeat the whole purpose of magicka regeneration.


I typed in "disease" in the search box and found 9 results. I see what you mean.


. . .

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I'm working on a disease mod now, and I ran into a little problem, but the solution seems to be that I will have no choice but to make a separate cure for each disease. I will post here when it's done
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