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NPCs not spawning?


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Hey guys, I'm working on my first mod, currently its a small Nordic ruin (much like the one on the tutorial) but whenever I try to add an NPC it doesn't appear in game... does anyone know what I could be doing wrong? I've even tried setting up ambush NPCs but to no avail. All the NPCs I'm trying to spawn are leveled draugr, any help would be greatly appreciated!!
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Okay, I managed to get one to spawn using one of the throne ambushes but he wasn't sitting in the chair and once i raised its difficulty in the Creation Kit he disappeared, its weird I can get custom NPCs to spawn but not Encounter or leveled ones
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  • 8 months later...

NPCs not showing up? Place an xmarkerheading in your cell, linkref your npc to the xmarkerheading. Try It, it works, yeah silly huh. Right click your npc (in the ell) find "Linkref" double click in the box, target the xmarkerheading, ok, ok save.

Edited by Hannibalektr
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