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[LE] Quest Script Fragment Property List Not Showing Added Propertys


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In modifying an a Mod's Quest, I discovered that I needed to add additional variables to the existing property list box in order to include my modifications. After creating a new Global Variable to be used by the quest, I needed to include it into the quest's script, which is the one that obviously contains all the quest fragments.


Not an issue, as all one really need do to add a property, is to right-click within the property list box and select "add"


A dialog box will appear, allowing you to fill-in the blanks, defining the type, value and so forth for your property to be added into the script.


Well, it adds the property all right, but it fails to include it within the box when you right-click on the script itself and select "Edit Properties".


Saving, exiting and reloading does nothing to refresh that Properties Box, as the original properties still show but mine never do.


The script itself warns to not edit between certain lines of code. Yet, I don't think their location is the issue for other property declarations appear at the bottom along mine and they show just fine in the properties list box.


How would I go about fixing this so that I can set my properties in the Box?

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If you find that the properties list fails to include any additions you make via the add properties button, there is a way you can get around that limitation.

If you go to any stage that shows the papyrus fragment for that stage, there is an advanced tab located in the upper part of that window.

By clicking on that you will find several button options, one of which is the Rename Script button.

Click on that button and rename your Quest’s script to another name you feel appropriate.

Normally, the Creation kit will name the scripts QF followed by the ID name of your quest with added numbers attached. You can name it however you like, in so long as there is not another script with that name.

In truth, you are not really renaming the script in so much as the Creation Kit regenerates the script into another name, leaving the former named script perfectly unmolested.

After the rename is complete, go back to the scripts tab and click on the Edit Properties to bring back up your edit box. At this point, you should be able to add additional properties and have them appear within the properties window for autofill.

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