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Who actually uses a color calibrated monitor?


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I run dual monitors on my pc, and both of them are identically color calibrated to real world colors. I have a Spyder Calibrator. Monitors by default are extremely bright and the contrast is set far too high. Anyway, I have tried a few different ENBs and found myself feeling like the nighttime is unplayabley dark. I'm sure they look fantastic on an uncalibrated monitor though.


Does anyone else use a monitor that's been calibrated?

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I do.


When I was playing DayZ last week with friends, it was the middle of the night in-game, but I was the only one who could see anything, due to everyone else having their contrast and brightness way off, producing an image that was just pure black. It was so dark for them, in fact, they started to accuse me of hacking at one point lol


And I once made an ENB config for Skyrim which I shared with them. When they were using it, I got nothing but complaints about caves being "too dark to see", even though I could see perfectly fine... lol

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I have a Dell U3011, which is calibrated in the factory (comes with the calibration report as well). Of course it's not as good as if an ISF professional came out and calibrated it, but I'd say it's ~90% of the way to perfect.


That said, a lot of ENBs and other lighting mods are meant to be realistically dark. If you're in a cave with no light sources, it should literally be pitch black. That's realism. I use RCRN classic, and while it's slightly less dark than RCRN Pure, I absolutely have to use a torch in caves/dungeons when there are no light sources.

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