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Totally Lost...


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Hello everyone!


I'm a french guy, and I'm really lost right now, can't make my Skyrim run. I'm returning in this game since my computer as crashed and then reinstall the game. I'm reading for a week now the mod's instruction for not making a mistake, but after three new installations, I'm really in trouble. I've just a few mods but nothing wants to work.

After the game installation:

1 - Skse

2 - SkyUi (manual as NMM won't install it : ERROR)

3 - Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch

4 - 2K textures

5 - Climates of tamriel V

6 - Flora overall

7 - SMIM

8 - Amidian Book of Silence (overwriting SMIM meshes)

9 - Ruins Clutter Improved (overwriting SMIM meshes)

10 - Realistic Water Two

11 - EHLFX

12 - Realvision ENB 315b

13 - Dimonized UNP with Mature Textures

14 - Betters Males

then after those Racemenu, Headtracking, Brawl bug fix etc...


When succeding lauching, the game CTD a lot of time, entering/exiting buildings, travelling etc...


After a year of leave, I really want to return to my Skyrim, but I'm now hopeless...


Anyone for an advice?



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I also went back to Skyrim LE after several years gap.

Before starting, I went on youtube and watched a bunch of videos made by Gopher.

I think he is very talented at explaining clearly and simply.

I found this very helpful: no problems restarting with oldrim.

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