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White edge around everything


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Hi, im having the "white edge" issue, i tried to find a fix to this issue reading lots of forums but nothing fixed the issue. I´ve read this could be caused by bad anti aliasing settings, but i disabled all anti-aliasing and the issue persist, someone said could be caused by some sort of vanilla SSAO or DOF, i disabled everything and the issue persist, i even tweaked some probably unrelated settings from skyrimprefs.ini and skyrim.ini, i also disabled some mods that could be related to graphics tweaks, but nothing removed that white edge.
I noticed this white edge dissapears (i think) when disabling SSAO from ENB, or makes it unnoticeable. Not sure if is and issue from ENB itself, or bad settings from my skyrimprefs.ini.

Here some pics (look around the rock)
My .ini settings
Skyrim.ini https://pastebin.com/DG3eLhmi
Skyrimprefs.ini https://pastebin.com/ihRiKNyZ
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hi, sorry for the late reply, here is a image that clearly shows the issue (look at the trees, they has some sort of white glow):

I´ve tested even more, tried with Vanilla game (+ENB) and the white glow still there, so isn't a mod issue. I´ve tried with vanilla SSAO, ENB DoF (that adds some ambient oclussion) and disabling ENB SSAO and the white shinning dissapear. So, must be an issue with ENB SSAO itself, or its conflicting with a .ini setting, of course i disabled Vanilla SSAO.
This issue is more or less noticeable in different enb presets, but seems like all of them have this issue.
Would be nice if someone could test and tell me if is having the same issue, so i can know if its an issue from my end.
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