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Need help altering the player's animation and movement speed


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For context, I'm trying to slow the player down a little while under the effects of Turbo. Since the player's movements aren't affected by Turbo's slow-mo effect, it feels a little over powered to me. I don't like the idea of a level 1 character being able to huff aerosol and sprint past a den of deathclaws unscathed.


As far as run / walk speed goes, I'm aware of Player.SetAV SpeedMult, but I've never had to use it until now. So I opened up the in-game console to test it out real quick, and her move speed didn't actually change until I drew or holstered my weapon. Is there any way to force it to update automatically?


And I know there probably isn't a universal animation speed multiplier for the player. Nothing is ever that easy with the GECK. But I figure I should ask anyway! And I'm using the Fallout Script Extender, so I have access to in-script commands like con_SetGameSetting.


Thanks for reading!

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The following is from the "Issue" for this item in the "FNV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide (linked in my signature):

However, you need to get the NPC to "reload" before this reset value will take effect. One way is to use the console "kill" command after selecting the target NPC, and then "resurrect" them. They should then behave at normal speed for them. (Note the console "kill" command will blame your character for their death.) Do not target "leveled list" generic NPCs such as those in a "faction" like "Raiders", "NCR", "Legion", etc.. The "resurrect" command respawns a random one from the "leveled list". You can use "resurrect 1" to get the same one you targeted to "stand up" as they are at the moment (i.e. naked if you stripped them of gear) as if they had been unconscious. "Named" NPCs are the safest targets for such tests.

This was reported by the person solving the initial problem and may not be comprehensive.


Based upon your test that "equip" and "unequip" of the weapon worked, you might try the "Update3D" function from JIP. Another possibility might be EVP. But this is all speculation.


Do let us know how it turns out.


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