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Disable mouse OR keyboard for speech options


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Every now and then I am in game and think of something simple that could drastically improve gameplay. I believe this is one of those things.

I googled for it but didn't find any real solution for this. Maybe someone could step up?

Wouldn't it be great if whenever you are presented with several dialogue options you could control it either with your mouse or your keyboard?

How many times have you used W and S to move up and down the dialogue options just to have something completely different selected with your mouse (even if you weren't even moving it)?

Even yesterday I ended up intimidating an NPC unintentionally and proceeding with a quest against my will.


Possible solutions:

- a mod that could completely disable keyboard for dialogue speech options (only selectable with mouse)

- a mod that could completely disable mouse for dialogue speech options (only selectable with keyboard) -> more my style

- a mod that could just fix it entirely and allow the player to use both the mouse or the keyboard without having to force him to choose one over the other, by simply fixing the damn "bug" altogether and disabling mouse when keyboard was used or disabling keyboard when mouse was used


Is this possible? Wouldn't this be helpful?

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