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Deadly Dragons


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Hola ,


Tengo un problema al instalar el mod deadly dragons.

Lo instalo desde el Nexus Manager pero me da un error inesperado ( Algo sobre una incompatibilidad con la letra "Arial" )


Tengo la version de skyrim 1.6


Y varios mods instalados y sin problemas!!


Pd. Tambien me ocurre con el Improded Armous.




Im spanish i don t know write in english. Sorry for inconvenience.

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Maybe you could try installing manually without using Nexus Mod Manager.


I assume that you are using the Spanish translation of the mod rather than another language? Does the mod you are installing include language strings?


sobre una incompatibilidad con la letra "Arial"


I am having trouble understanding this line. My first impression was that it was talking about problems with the text font Arial.

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