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Black Screen glitch


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Okay, so I know that having HDR can cause the black screen glitch, however I don't have HDR enabled, nor do I have bloom on for that matter so I have no idea how to fix it. It seems to happen at the same locations, two of them I can think of off the top of my head. One is in the imperial city jail (getting caught by guards, not the starter jail) and screen goes black if I look anyway but a tiny fraction of the wall, and another is when talking to certain NPCs. The game zooms in on their faces and goes black but my hud and everything is still there.


So, if it's not caused by HDR, what's the problem? If I have to reinstall just say the word, I saved every zip file for every mod I've downloaded so it won't be that big of a deal.





Oh, here are my system specs:


Intel Duocore 2.7GHz (OC'd from 2.4)

EVGA GeForce 8800GT 512MB RAM

4g g.skill DDR2 RAM

Windows Vista 32 (I know, XP is better but I actually like Vista!)



Edit: And it's not caused by a mod. The only 'mod' I can't disable is Qarl's textures but this problem was existing before I downloaded those, other than that I disabled every single mod in my list (even shivering isles, etc) and it still happens.

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