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I need help for a mod on skinnig feral ghouls


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crashinghell - Hello!


Firstly you need to get hold of a Feral Ghoul model, if you have FOMM it has a handy BSA Unpacker that can be found under Tools.


You can use that to extract a Feral Ghoul model from the Fallout - Meshes.bsa.


You could modify any Feral Ghoul but let's say:




You would then rename that model to suit your new Ghoul.


If you're just wanting to add in a Feral Ghoul retexture or slightly different armor/clothes arrangement then you can just add the new model into the existing Feral Ghoul Creature Folder.


Place your model in:


Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\Creatures\ghoul


If you don't have that file path, create it.


The textures can be obtained the same way as the mesh but from Fallout - Textures.bsa


The textures for that model are:





To edit it's textures you'll need a texture/.dds editor.


I use Paint.net as it's very user friendly & free:




Once you've modified the textures to your liking, add them to your Feral Ghoul model by opening the model in Nifskope:




I still use version 1.0.22.


For the example model you'd expand Block 1, expand the BSShader......, click on BSShaderTextureSet & the texture paths will display at the bottom "Block Details" window.


Expand the "Textures" there & you'll see two texture paths (the diffuse main texture & the normal map texture with _n at the end).


Click on the purple flower to navigate to where your new textures are & you should see them show up on the model in Nifskopes Render window. Save your model in Nifskope & exit.


Now to place the new Feral Ghoul model in GECK.


In GECK, load up your plugin, go to the Object Window, find Actors - Creature, now type in the filter box:




Select one of the Feral Ghoul types, CrFeralGhoul1A is a basic Feral Ghoul.


Change the ID to suit your new Ghoul, maybe add the name of your mod to the begining of it to allow you to filter find it fast.


Give it a Name (Feral Ghoul in Armani, Polka Dot skinned Ghoul, whatever.....).


Once you click OK, you'll have created a new Feral Ghoul you can use in GECK.


But it will look the same as the model you chose to modify.


To give it a new model, open your newly created Ghoul & go to the ModelList tab.


In here you can choose a new model to use for this Feral Ghoul, untick the old model in the list & tick the new model (as long as you placed it in that Ghoul folder mentioned above it should show up in the list).


By clicking the Preview box at the bottom you can view the Ghoul in the side Render Window of the Creature details.


Click OK & it's ready to place somewhere & check it out in game.


Handy detailed guide to what all the settings in the Creature box do:




Hope this helps!



Edited by prensa
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crashinghell - Hello!


Firstly you need to get hold of a Feral Ghoul model, if you have FOMM it has a handy BSA Unpacker that can be found under Tools.


You can use that to extract a Feral Ghoul model from the Fallout - Meshes.bsa.


You could modify any Feral Ghoul but let's say:




You would then rename that model to suit your new Ghoul.


If you're just wanting to add in a Feral Ghoul retexture or slightly different armor/clothes arrangement then you can just add the new model into the existing Feral Ghoul Creature Folder.


Place your model in:


Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\Creatures\ghoul


If you don't have that file path, create it.


The textures can be obtained the same way as the mesh but from Fallout - Textures.bsa


The textures for that model are:





To edit it's textures you'll need a texture/.dds editor.


I use Paint.net as it's very user friendly & free:




Once you've modified the textures to your liking, add them to your Feral Ghoul model by opening the model in Nifskope:




I still use version 1.0.22.


For the example model you'd expand Block 1, expand the BSShader......, click on BSShaderTextureSet & the texture paths will display at the bottom "Block Details" window.


Expand the "Textures" there & you'll see to texture paths (the diffuse main texture & the normal map texture with _n at the end).


Click on the purple flower to navigate to where your new textures are & you should see them show up on the model in Nifskopes Render window. Save your model in Nifskope & exit.


Now to plce the new Feral Ghoul model in GECK.


In GECK, load up your plugin, go to the Object Window, find Actors - Creature, now type in the filter box:




Select one of the Feral Ghoul types, CrFeralGhoul1A is a basic Feral Ghoul.


Change the ID to suit your new Ghoul, maybe add the name of your mod to the begining of it to allow you to filter find it fast.


Give it a Name (Feral Ghoul in Armani, Polka Dot skinned Ghoul, whatever.....).


Once you click OK, you'll have created a new Feral Ghoul you can use in GECK.


But it will look the same as the model you chose to modify.


To give it a new model, open your newly created Ghoul & go to the ModelList tab.


In here you can choose a new model to use for this Feral Ghoul, untick the old model in the list & tick the new model (as long as you placed it in that Ghoul folder mentioned above it should show up in the list).


By clicking the Preview box at the bottom you can view the Ghoul in the side Render Window of the Creature details.


Click OK & it's ready to place somewhere & check it out in game.


Handy detailed guide to what all the settings in the Creature box do:




Hope this helps!





Thanks it worked your help was very much appreciated

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crashinghell - Hello!


Firstly you need to get hold of a Feral Ghoul model, if you have FOMM it has a handy BSA Unpacker that can be found under Tools.


You can use that to extract a Feral Ghoul model from the Fallout - Meshes.bsa.


You could modify any Feral Ghoul but let's say:




You would then rename that model to suit your new Ghoul.


If you're just wanting to add in a Feral Ghoul retexture or slightly different armor/clothes arrangement then you can just add the new model into the existing Feral Ghoul Creature Folder.


Place your model in:


Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\Creatures\ghoul


If you don't have that file path, create it.


The textures can be obtained the same way as the mesh but from Fallout - Textures.bsa


The textures for that model are:





To edit it's textures you'll need a texture/.dds editor.


I use Paint.net as it's very user friendly & free:




Once you've modified the textures to your liking, add them to your Feral Ghoul model by opening the model in Nifskope:




I still use version 1.0.22.


For the example model you'd expand Block 1, expand the BSShader......, click on BSShaderTextureSet & the texture paths will display at the bottom "Block Details" window.


Expand the "Textures" there & you'll see to texture paths (the diffuse main texture & the normal map texture with _n at the end).


Click on the purple flower to navigate to where your new textures are & you should see them show up on the model in Nifskopes Render window. Save your model in Nifskope & exit.


Now to plce the new Feral Ghoul model in GECK.


In GECK, load up your plugin, go to the Object Window, find Actors - Creature, now type in the filter box:




Select one of the Feral Ghoul types, CrFeralGhoul1A is a basic Feral Ghoul.


Change the ID to suit your new Ghoul, maybe add the name of your mod to the begining of it to allow you to filter find it fast.


Give it a Name (Feral Ghoul in Armani, Polka Dot skinned Ghoul, whatever.....).


Once you click OK, you'll have created a new Feral Ghoul you can use in GECK.


But it will look the same as the model you chose to modify.


To give it a new model, open your newly created Ghoul & go to the ModelList tab.


In here you can choose a new model to use for this Feral Ghoul, untick the old model in the list & tick the new model (as long as you placed it in that Ghoul folder mentioned above it should show up in the list).


By clicking the Preview box at the bottom you can view the Ghoul in the side Render Window of the Creature details.


Click OK & it's ready to place somewhere & check it out in game.


Handy detailed guide to what all the settings in the Creature box do:




Hope this helps!





Thanks it worked your help was very much appreciated


Now the only problem is my mod wont work for some reason after I replaced the creatures with ghouls and deleted most npcs

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crashinghell - Hello!


"Now the only problem is my mod wont work for some reason after I replaced the creatures with ghouls and deleted most npcs"


Go back to a previous version of your mod, GECK makes backups & places them in Data\Backup, with .bak & a date tagged onto the end. Remove the tag at the end leaving .esp & youcan use it as normal.


I'm not sure what you mean by deleting NPC's & replacing creatures, if you mean you placed your new ghoul instead of them that should still load in GECK.


Hope this helps!



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crashinghell - Hello!


"Now the only problem is my mod wont work for some reason after I replaced the creatures with ghouls and deleted most npcs"


Go back to a previous version of your mod, GECK makes backups & places them in Data\Backup, with .bak & a date tagged onto the end. Remove the tag at the end leaving .esp & youcan use it as normal.


I'm not sure what you mean by deleting NPC's & replacing creatures, if you mean you placed your new ghoul instead of them that should still load in GECK.


Hope this helps!




Thanks but I had to start from scratch and its actually turning out better than my other one thanks anyway

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  • 1 year later...

"In here you can choose a new model to use for this Feral Ghoul, untick the old model in the list & tick the new model (as long as you placed it in that Ghoul folder mentioned above it should show up in the list).By clicking the Preview box at the bottom you can view the Ghoul in the side Render Window of the Creature details."

Iv done this whole proces just like you said..but when I tick my nif then check preveiw..my modle dont show up in the window...iv been at this a cpl days now..iv looked all over for an answer..is it a setting in nifskop?..shader flag maybee...its and old thread but I hope someone sees it...

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