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[LE] My Creation kit broken


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Hello, can you help me? How many months have I learned to make land in the creation kit, but since today my creation kit is broken, I swear I didn't do anything with a button that I didn't know, when I made "New Static" like other animals, swords or furniture, after I move to the area map, I can't interact with the New Object when i crate, can't select, move, can't delete (When I delete it, the object is still in EditorID and written, for example "Object Deer001 has been deleted"), I so sad, I feel it's been a waste of months to make a modding creation kit, and I've finished my mod up to 80% and it's a pity I can't continue it, I can't do anything else...



Plsss I need help,I'm still excited to continue my mod :sad:

Edited by nicod4
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