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[LE] Where do properties get saved when file->create archive?


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When I go to file->create archive for my mod with a lot of menus(form type MESG), all I see is a psc and a pex file. And yet it works. How? Where are the menus? Just want to make sure it's really working on it's own and isn't grabbing those files from somewhere I'm not aware.


Back story in case it matters:


Never thought I'd care, but I've got a mod that I think is pretty good, so now I'd like to make it a proper mod ready to share. Problem is I've had to separate it out of one big messy mod where I've been experimenting making all kinds of various weapons, armors, spells and enchantments. I've properly removed most of the dependencies on extraneous master files using TES5edit.


I disabled the MessyMod in Vortex and imported my newly created ProperMod. It works. But I can't shake the nagging feeling it's depending on getting those MEFG forms from somewhere else.

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The messages and script properties are all stored in the in the ESP file. Unless your mod has custom dialogue, new meshes or textures, or similar things that you created outside of the CK, the only thing you'll usually find in the BSA are the script files and possibly head data for any NPCs from your mod.

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