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Khajiit Claw Leveling


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I've been searching for a Khajiit Claw Leveling mod for a while now. I don't really want to use an unarmed mod, just a simple leveling mod that only affects the claws and allows them to level as the character levels, whether it be that it levels through one-handed or two-handed or whatever skill easiest to use. I've found mods like this in old forums but it seems any mod like this have been removed or are no longer existing, and the only other mods that really seem to do this are unarmed mods that just make an unarmed skill that levels in some way or another.


I don't know how to make mods, but if anyone would do something like this, I would be very grateful. I've just recently been interested in non-human races and to find that this added bonus to the Khajiit could be improved, was something that interested me. If a mod like this has been requested recently, I apologize for being redundant.


If anyone is aware of a mod that does just this, I'd appreciate a link!

Gracias ~

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