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Follower point of interest comments


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Hey pepes, im really looking for someone that knows about editing voices/dialogue in the ck, ive been fumbling around in the dark releasing conditions on some of the npc-npc interactions to bring more non player directed talking to the game with some sucess but came across a wierd problem......I cant find the follower comments anywhere for instance when a follower makes a comment about dwemer ruins etc or the age of a ruin your in....they dont seem to be in the same place as normal dialogue quests/scenes.


I could really do with an acurate answer if poss coz i think if i could release some of the npc specific conditions to be matching getisvoicetype conditions instead it would bring more variety to my individual followers thnx in advance :)




i removed the locational restriction for the companions idle chatter and now if i take 2 or more companions from jorrvasker out with me they use idle chater amongst themselves while out and about lol it adds so much more life to dungeon crawling maybe i'll release a mod if people help me with this :)

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If i remember well you can find them in the misc tab of a quest i don't remember ;)


They should be idle dialogues managed by idle markers in the dungeons (or triggers)


Thnx tht helped i remembered seeing a misc tab but ignore it lol


incase anyone with the same question reads this if you click on any actors entry and click the big Dialogue button on the traits tab theres an entire dialogues menu in there for everyone not just tht particular npc which tbh should have had its own independent screen imo seemed a little hidden in a way but hey the bit i was looking for with location specific follower comments was indeed under the misc tab of tht screen and topic-idle


thnx for the quick reply gasti

Edited by ravayen
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