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CBBE + Dogmeat Backpack = neck gap?


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Good evening everyone,


I recently decided to re-do the rather expansive mod-list I have for FO4 (primarily by scraping together what .esl-mods there are already to bypass the old hard 255-limit), and I came upon a rather curious bug: equipping the Field Backpack featured in this mod on my PC using CBBE:




This results in a neck-gap while the character is nekkid or wearing a CBBE-outfit that has the neck exposed, as I marked in red in the following screenshot:




Using what few neckpieces and/or scarves-mods there are to cover this up works to some extent while the character is standing still, it still sticks out while my PC is in motion, though. Most of the time I simply got my PC dressed up to the neck anyway, and hence didn't notice this at all at first. I can't quite wrap my head around how this is occurring, however. Using other mod-items that use the same equip-slot 55 as the above mod's Field Backpack didn't reproduce this issue.

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