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Script effect enchantment


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any idea if it can be used to add a spell to the player (or actors)?


I've created the meshes for offhand books and added several of them to the CS. Next is to create enchantments and I'd like to get them to add spells to.


I know I can just add a script directly to the books but, I've done this on other 'shields' and I find that if I swap them quickly the scripts don't seem to remove the spells.


Also, if people would like to make suggestions for spells/enchantments for the Battle Tomes that would be pretty helpful to!

So far we have

Alteration - 1 lesser, 2 regular, 2 greater and 1 grand

Conjuration - 2 lesser, 2 regular, 2 greater and 1 grand

Destruction - 2 lesser, 3 regular, 2 greater and 1 grand

Illusion - 1 lesser, 1 regular, 2 greater and 1 grand

Mysticism - 1 lesser, 2 regular, 2 greater and 1 grand

Restoration - 1 lesser, 2 regular, 2 greater and 1 grand


also I want to do the Mysterium Xarxes


thanks in advance for any help

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When you scripted the objects themselves, did you use a Begin OnEquip block or did you use GetEquipped in a GameMode block? Either method should be pretty reliable.


Regardless, the script effect enchantment method should work too. Using opposing ScriptEffectStart and ScriptEffectFinish blocks should work exactly the same as opposing OnEquip and OnUnequip blocks, although in my experience ScriptEffectFinish blocks have been a little lazy under certain circumstances.

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I used on equip/ unequip. To be honest I think the problem was that I was swapping between them WAY too fast to check them out quick. I even tried using a quest to remove all spells associated with the shields then add the new one, but it just doesn't work if I swap them fast enough.


It's not a major problem, I just don't want people to be able to basically cheat my mod to have access to the spells when they shouldn't. I might use on equip attached to the items, chuck the books into the testinghall and upload an alpha for people to test out.


What about using scripteffectstart (on the spell) to check if the correct item is equipped and removing the spell if it isn't. I'll have to give this a try in the morning.

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