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Script question


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I created a mod to remove enchantment, everything works fine but with one problem, I can't get rid of the glow left by the enchantment, the glow will only show when equip, it wont show if you drop it


here is my script

Scriptname _DS_DisenchantingScript extends ActiveMagicEffect 

event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

Function Target(Actor actorRef, int handSlots = 2, int firstSlot = 30, int lastSlot = 61) global

    ; enleve enchantment main gauche.
    if handSlots >= 0 && WornObject.GetEnchantment(actorRef, 0, 0) != None
        WornObject.SetEnchantment(actorRef, 0, 0, None, 0)
        Weapon  sword = actorRef.GetEquippedObject(0) as Weapon
        ;float Tempered = WornObject.GetItemHealthPercent(actorRef, 0, 0)
        ;string Name = WornObject.GetDisplayName(actorRef, 0, 0)
        ;actorRef.RemoveItem(sword, 1)
        ;ObjectReference NewOne = actorRef.PlaceAtMe(sword)
        ; NewOne.SetItemHealthPercent(Tempered)
        ; NewOne.SetDisplayName(Name)
        ; actorRef.AddItem(NewOne)
        Debug.Notification("Enchantment removed from " + sword.GetName())
    ; enleve enchantment main droite.
    if handSlots >= 1 && WornObject.GetEnchantment(actorRef, 1, 0) != None
        WornObject.SetEnchantment(actorRef, 1, 0, None, 0)
        Weapon sword = actorRef.GetEquippedObject(1) as Weapon
        ;float Tempered = WornObject.GetItemHealthPercent(actorRef, 0, 0)
        ;string Name = WornObject.GetDisplayName(actorRef, 0, 0)
        ;actorRef.RemoveItem(sword, 1)
        ;ObjectReference NewOne = actorRef.PlaceAtMe(sword)
        ; NewOne.SetItemHealthPercent(Tempered)
        ; NewOne.SetDisplayName(Name)
        ; actorRef.AddItem(NewOne)
        Debug.Notification("Enchantment removed from " + sword.GetName())

    int index = firstSlot
    while index <= lastSlot ; check armure equiper.
        int slotMask = Armor.GetMaskForSlot(index)
        Armor armure = actorRef.GetWornForm(slotMask) as Armor
        if armure != None ; enchantment oui ou non.
            Enchantment ench = WornObject.GetEnchantment(actorRef, 0, slotMask)

            if ench != None ; enleve enchantment sur armure.
                WornObject.SetEnchantment(actorRef, 0, slotMask, None, 0)
                Debug.Notification("Enchantment removed from " + armure.GetName())
        index += 1

All the comment code in the handSlot is what I tried so far and does work at all, the glow still return and also rename with a double (fine) and do the same for all the same base weapon in the inventory.


Thank you for the help


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